Thursday, September 24, 2009

no mo' ecmo

Ellis is no longer on ECMO! His surgeon said he did a pretty good job coming off, and this is the best condition he has seen Ellis in since he arrived at Children's. We will get to see him shortly. The next 12 hours will show how he adjusts to being off ECMO.


  1. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is fantastic news!!! Go Ellis, go!!

  2. Fabulous!!!!!!!! I can't stop smiling! (My co-workers must think I'm a loon.)

  3. I am so happy for you guys and Ellis. I just found out about Ellis from Mike yesterday. I am praying for your strength to get you through this horrible problem you have been faced with. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Karen Martin

  4. That is fantastic news! Go Ellis! We are so excited. Darby, Sadie and Evey started jumping up and down saying "it's good news!" We will keep praying!

  5. Wonderful news! You are constantly in our thoughts!

  6. So glad to read this entry! Eric and I are thinking of Ellis and your family!

  7. This was fantastic news today; we were so happy to hear it.

  8. Our hearts are with you all. Today's my birthday, so maybe it will be a lucky day for Ellis!! We love you guys and think of you every day.

  9. We will be praying for little Ellis! I hope the next 12 hours prove to be amazing. We are sending you are love, thoughts and prayers. Keep up the good work Ellis! :) He is a tough little cookie!!! Love, John, Melissa & Gillian
